Why cleansing is necessary to achieve fast results & to achieve optimal health & energy.
How to detox the body safely & effectively.
How to prepare the body for detox to avoid herx/detox reactions.
How to detox PARASITES.
How to optimize the body for thriving energy.
Q&A Session to go over questions and concerns.
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You are a wanting a roadmap to safely detox parasites.
You are wanting to diminish toxicity so that you don't end up with future health issues.
You're willing to invest in your health so that you're not paying for it & suffering in disease later.
You want optimal health so you can be a blessing to others and have a more intimate relationship with God.
You no longer want to suffer with bloating, constipation, gassiness, fatigue, brain fog, and other ailments that hinder you.
You do not value saving time following proven plans.
You aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.
You're not willing to own your health and put in the work.